Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What Detroit Really Needs...

With all the bad press Detroit constantly gets, isn’t it about time Detroit got it’s on PR manager? I mean, it makes sense if you think about. Every time there is some crazy corporate disaster, there is always a Public Relations professional there to soften the blow to corporate pockets. Why can’t a city have the same attitude? Instead, all I see are the ignorant rants of various people in and out of office in Detroit and an obviously corrupt system with people like Kwame (Ya’ll voted him in twice!?) that effectively make Detroit seem more like a circus than a nice place to visit. Or TV shows like “Detroit 187” which is still the cheesiest urban police drama I’ve ever seen on TV. ..I’m talking KRAFT macaroni cheesy. Yes, indeed we need PR!
With good PR, the city can make its positives better known and hopefully drum up some much needed revenue. Instead of the foolishness we get bombarded with on the nightly news, there could be a story about local artist that are creating beautiful tributes to the city. For instance, film maker Malcom Johnson is doing a movie “Dear Detroit: A Love Letter “which is centered on a strong love for the city of Detroit, but I haven’t heard of that anywhere on the news. Or how about “Detroit Snob” a line of T-shirts designed by Detroiters and has turned into a lucrative business for the female founder. One of the biggest problems in Detroit, is that there aren’t enough people speaking about the good things that are happening everyday; isn’t that the job of a public relations professional? Isn’t it about time we began uplifting our city to the world instead of allowing it to be torn down? Be your own Public Relations professional today and tell me about the good things you see in the city at sowdetroit/facebook.com Like my page while you’re there!
Want to know more about "Detroit Snob" and "Dear Detroit: A Love Letter" visit them online!


  1. You have such a great insight and you are totally right. It almost seems like a PR move to be sure everyone thinks the city is the worst place to be, yet they are rebuilding areas and changing the demographic slowly. Yet, who knows about the good that is structuring the city?

  2. I totally agree. I think our media and news is so saturated with negativity (not just Detroit's news), that it's the only thing we are really exposed to. Injecting some good news into everyone's life (through better PR work) would be a sure way to boost moral and over view of things.

  3. Thank you for posting this. It is so true. When people visit Detroit they always tell me how much different it is than what they expect. Working at a hotel I always get to hear from people who see it for the first time. I have had people tell me that the Grand Prix was so awesomely organized and lots of fun. People come all over the world for the Tech Fest and everyone has a great time there. I talked to two girls from London with a love for architecture and sent them all around the city where they took pictures and said everyone on the streets was friendly. When the Auto Show comes we get nothing but great reviews saying people are friendly and they enjoyed experiencing the restaurants downtown.

    Every once in a while we get on a national show. We've been on Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern's shows. They said Detroit has tons of heart and tons of soul. We need that message sent out more!!
