Friday, April 20, 2012

GLAD Helps Feed 375 In Detroit

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post titled "How Glad ForceFlex Garbage Bags Saved The World". After writing the post, I added a link to GLAD's Facebook Fan Page and asked a simple question. "Is there anyone I can speak to about possible donations?" A few days later, I was asked to provide a mailing address. I did as instructed expecting to get a letter in the mail explaining donation procedures, but instead I found 750 GLAD ForceFlex trash bags on my front porch! These bags will help feed 375 people in the city of Detroit. So, on behalf of Twelfth Street Food Pantry...



  1. It's amazing how social media has affected the lives of so many!!! It is great to know that companies like Glad (P&G and Clorox)are willing to assist the community when ask, they didn't even need verification or a "letter". They were just willing and able. I think that its extremely important that we as consumers patronize companies (brands) that support our communities! I SUPPORT GLAD!!!
