is one of the hardest hit cities in the country by the recession. We have thousands of people hungry,
unemployed, under educated and generally under serviced, but where are the
thousands flocking to help? In 2012
Detroit, there are many non-profit organizations that will help you, but who’s
helping them. We need volunteers! Detroit
ranks number 32 out of 51 of America’s largest cities when it comes to
advertising. So how can we move to the top 10?
As some of you may
remember, volunteer work is required to fulfill most college requirements. I can remember my psychology class as being
the first time I volunteered. That
experience followed me into adulthood where I eventually grew to love a “job”
that helped people. I fell in love with
the act of helping people for free during my college years, but what if you
didn’t go to college?
Not surprisingly, “individuals with higher levels of educational attainment engaged in volunteer activities at higher rates than did those with less education.” That’s straight from the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s mouth. When we look at numbers, the statistics are enlightening, to say the least. For people aged 25 and older, 42.4% with a college education volunteer, compared to 18.2 with a High School Education. That means twice as many college graduates are volunteering in a city with a 59.74% HIGH SCHOOL graduation rate. Yup, statistically, that equals a lot of people that DON’T volunteer, but why? Just because you don’t have a college degree doesn’t mean you don’t care about your city right?
asked several people why they don’t volunteer and the same seems to be the same
across all demographics, “because they don’t pay”. Sigh...
No, volunteering does not pay you in the form of a check, but you get
REAL experience that can lead to more money.
For instance, I volunteer (for free) for a non-profit in the area. I am doing all their marketing (for free) and
gaining more experience and know how than any school could teach me (for
free). In addition to the real world
experience I am gaining, they don’t pay me so they work around MY
schedule. That’s right boys and girls I
get to work my full time job and move towards my career goals AT THE SAME
TIME. How many organizations will let
you choose your schedule while you use them to learn?
benefit, it reduces cost and helps people.
Non-profits are usually not exactly rolling in the dough, so when they
cut cost they are able to help more people.
The satisfaction of knowing you made a person’s day should be enough,
but if not there are numerous benefits to volunteering. I’ve named a few in this blog. The trick is to gain as much from your
volunteer work as the people you help. If more education is given relating to the benefits of volunteering, maybe we can get more volunteers. Food for thought.
would you educate people and get more volunteers for Detroit? Leave a comment below.
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